Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!!!!

Our beautiful Christmas tree! We put it up the day after Thanksgiving, and lets just say-- it is already dead. Yep that's right, this thing is a fire hazard. The needles are crisp as a winter moring, but it still looks beautiful, and you wouldn't know it was dead unless you bumped into it (very poky)!

This is my Nick

This is what he pretty much does all day when he is at home, and am very grateful to have finals be over with!!!!! He wants to celebrate by going to barnes and noble and read comic books, and he will definitely deserve it!! Too bad he has to start back up in January though.

Happy Holidays!!!


Emilyjo said...

It's good to see an update from you guys! I love your beautiful tree. So where are you guys spending Christmas? Your family or his? I'm glad things are going well and that you get to have your hubby school free for a couple weeks anyway.

Amy said...

Merry Christmas! Love the tree--ours is in a similar state and when the kids bump into it there go the needles...but totally worth having it in the home for the season.

Daisy Paige said...

Kudos for having a real tree! We put up a big pre-lit tree this year and wouldn't you know about 1/3 of the lights wouldn't work. So in frustration I literally threw it downstairs and put up our pathetically small fake tree instead. Maybe next year we'll have one worth blogging about!

Mandie said...

You know you're supposed to water the tree, right? jk! I was bleeding all over last year after putting our lights on, so we invested in a fake tree this year. It was so worth it to get up at 4:30am on black Friday! Anyway, it's beautiful and I'm sure it smells really good!

Kimberly Gochnour said...

I hear 7-up or Sprite works really well with hydration of trees but I don't know if that is before or after it is dead!! The tree is beautiful and I miss having a real tree!! Love you, will miss you for Christmas but I guess you will be with Nick's family anyway!

Kristine and Ryan said...

Look at you guys with a blog! I love the tree. Sorry it died on you, it looks fabulous. :)