Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jen and Jeremy's Wedding!!!

So Jeremy and Jen were married on Sept. 20th for time and all eternity in the slc temple. It was a beautiful ceremony! We enjoyed all the wedding festivities!! Jeremy and Jen are very good friends of ours. Jeremy is one of Nick's best friends, and I knew him from the very first time we started dating and Jen is a sis-in-law to one of Nick's other best friend Derrick! Now Jeremy and Derrick are brothers! It was good to hang out with all of the gang again!!

The Cute Couple!!
Derrick, Nick, and Skylar!!

Natalie, Nick, Derrick, (Melinda is not pictured but was there), Jeremy, Jen, Chris and Lindsey

So I know the flash is in the mirror in the back ground, but the other picture we had taken was just not as good!

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