Friday, we held our annual "Dinner in a pumpkin" party. It was loads of fun. But unfortunately I didn't even get a picture of the pumpkin-- dinner that is. We carved pumpkins, watched Van Helsing, and ate dinner with lots of good company.
This is the pumpkin Nick carved, I am waiting to carve mine closer to Halloween.
This WAS delicious!!!
Can you guess what we are? Smores!! Thanks for the idea Kimmy!!!
We had the Robots from Flight of the Chonchords show up!!
Some Scarecrows!!!
And some Sassy Pirates!!!
The flight of the concord robots how awesome- you have some cool friends. P.S. those hands in the witch's brew really are spooky- which i assume is what you were going for! H-A-double L-O-W-double E N spells halloween!
Looks like a fun party! I am glad I found your blog!
Did you really have dinner IN a pumpkin? What did you eat?
And the witches hand brew looks really freaky! How did you do that?
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